Submitting an Invoice

Finished with your work and ready to get paid for a job well done?

In order to submit an Invoice, navigate to the work order and click the ' Submit an Invoice' link. The work order status must be at a pending vendor invoice status in order to create a new invoice or edit an existing invoice that has not yet been submitted.

Simple Invoice

For FM Dashboard customers who elect to use the Simple Invoice form, here is the screen you'll need to complete. 

  1. Add your invoice #
  2. Be as descriptive as possible on what was completed.
  3. Enter in your labor, material and any trip charges.
  4. Be careful not to forget your tax amount.
  5. Lastly, remember to attach your company's invoice to the system invoice as well.
  6. Done!

Detailed Version

  1. Enter in the invoice number (required)
  2. Enter in a detailed description of the work completed.
  3. Enter a Description of what was done. Be very descriptive to help get your invoice approved.
  4. Start/End times are based on your IVR/Check-in/out times. Choose the rate type to calculate the appropriate labor rate. If you have questions regarding your rates click here
  5. Be sure to include any tax or trip charges.
  6. Click Calculate to make sure all items have been included in your total.
  7. You must attach a copy of your actual invoice in order to submit the invoice.
  8. Click Submit to send the Invoice to the Customer. They will receive an email that the Invoice was submitted. Now you just wait for th
    e approval!

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