Submitting a Quote

Customer requested a Quote? 

Need to Quote and return later?

In order to submit a quote, navigate to the work order and click the ' Submit a Quote' link. The work order status must be at a need to quote status or any of the return statuses in order to create a new quote or edit an existing quote that has not yet been submitted.

Depending how your customer is set up, they may be using an Itemized Quote form or the Simple Quote form. Here are a few examples.

Itemized Quote

Simple Quote

Quote Entry:

Enter your incurred costs, including a Description of what was done, Time and Material. Click Save to save the line and give you an additional line to add more items.

Enter your proposed costs, including a Description of what your plan to do, Time and Material. Click Save to save the line and give you an additional line to add more items. 

Check the Overtime box if its billed at the Overtime rate you have set up.
Click Submit to send the Quote to the Customer. They will receive an email that the quote was submitted. Now you just wait for the approval!
Note: Clicking Calculate will refresh the field and does NOT submit the quote.

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